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Jaz & Xiin Beuty

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Scheming Mask & Eye mask 我的心机面膜 & 眼膜

Old Packaging RM2.20/pcs while stock last

XM-D-001【燕窩膠原蛋白鑽石級面膜】Bird's Net + Collagen

將萃取自燕窩與膠原蛋白添加於面膜中,給肌膚雙重滋潤 , 簡單保持肌膚水嫩、能預防乾燥,粗糙老化現象產生
* Effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin
* Prevents dryness of the skin
* Delays aging of skin and formation of wrinkles
* Strengthens skin metabolism
XM-D-002【金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜】Marigold Extract

將多種植物性保濕成分以及金盞花萃取液注入在精華液中, 讓你在敷臉的過程中,能使多種保濕成分以及養分充分滋潤肌膚完全滲透至肌膚深層,讓潤澤持續停留敷完後,更有金盞花淡淡花香,讓你使用後更加清爽,使肌膚充滿彈性和水嫩的光澤感
* Marigold extract contains hydrating essence to fully moisturize your skin, leaving your skin supple and soft
* Mild flower fragrance provides an aromatherapy effect that soothes your nerves after a hard day’s work
* Improves skin elasticity
XM-D-003【蝦紅素海洋之鑽面膜 】Astaxanthin

* Speed up the formation of cells.
* Prevents and delays the formation of wrinkles.
* Provides your skin with the best youthful effect.
* Rich in moisturisation as it locks up the moisture in your skin, leaving it shinny and gentle.
* Recommended for matured women.

XM-D-004 【高麗人蔘钻石级面膜】 Ginseng Extract

* Added with Ginseng & Hyaluronic Acid, helps to provide intense hydration & locking of moisture in our skin.
* Fine lines are eliminated with natural plant extract.
* Nutrients are replenished to prevent dryness & dullness.
* Natural glow & vibrant skin can be achieved after prolonged use.
XM-D-005 【15胜肽胺基酸晶钻面膜】 Argireline + Amino

能阻断神经传导, 使肌肉细胞呈现放松状态. 有效舒缓并抰制细纹及皱纹周边肌肉的收缩与活动。帮助肌肤弹性组织回复柔顺平滑的线条, 减少脸部细纹。
* Allows your muscles to relax, delays and controls the formation of wrinkles around the muscles.
* Increase skin's elasticity and reduces wrinkles. Recommended for matured women.
XM-D-006 【海洋深層水鑽石級面膜】 Deep Ocean Water

* Contains varieties of minerals from the ocean.
* Replenish nutrients which are needed by the skin and thus provide moisture to the skin to help to restore its elasticity and also reduces the sensitivity of your skin.
* Repairs your cells so that the skin can be healthier.
* Superior for dull skin
* Excellent in removing dead cells and inhibits melanin formation.
XM-001【玻尿酸面膜】 Sodium Hyaluronate

* Keeps skin supple
* Slows Down Aging
* Promotes cell regeneration
* Combats uneven skin tone
* Forms layer of moisture over skin
* Replenishes moisture
XM-002【Q10膠原蛋白面膜】 Q10 Collagen

* Accelerates skin metabolism
* Promotes cell regeneration
* Prevents aging and formation of melanin in skin
* Decreases formation of wrinkles by 80%
* Builds up skin immune system against bacteria
* Renews cells and improves skin elasticity
XM-003【淨化調理面膜】 Iris Extract

針對偏油性肌膚所設計,具有收斂肌膚、抑制油脂分泌之功用,使肌膚看起來更清晰、光滑溫和不刺激,徹底清除堆積於毛孔內污垢及老化角質,促進表皮代謝, 使肌膚晶瑩剔透。 長效保濕精華液,並添加高效保濕因子,為肌膚補充大量水分,讓肌膚不再乾燥缺水。
* Designed specially for Oily Skin; Helps control and regulate oil & sebum sebum secretion
* Removes dirt in clogged pores
* Effectively minimizes pores
* Exfoliates and removes dead cells, allowing moisturizing essence to be locked into the skin
* Your skin will feel Light & Refreshed after usage
* A gentle yet effective usage

XM-004【深層角質清潔面膜】 Bacillus Ferment

含蛋白酵素,加速肌膚新陳代謝,更新老廢角質另添加龍膽草萃取液、桑椹萃取液、甘草萃取液、西印度櫻桃萃取液全方位改善肌膚問題,使肌膚保祭晶瑩剔透,白皙自然的膚色利用天然的酵素來溶解角質深層清除積存毛孔的污垢, 特有的角質保養膠,對肌膚的滋潤度不錯,能溫和地呵護嬌嫩膚質喔!
* Accelerates Skin Metabolism
* Skin Renewal by Exfoliating your Skin
* Removes Dullness of your skin
* Removes dirt & dust from your pores, which further improves skin absorption of essence
* Nourishes your skin
* Constant usage will lead to skin improvement, giving you clear, smooth and delicate skin

XM-005【頂級左旋C面膜】 Levorotary C

* L-Ascorbic is a type of Vitamin C. Vitamin C has the ability to restore the original glow of the skin
* Promotes skin metabolism
* Its high anti oxidation property smoothens out wrinkles which effectively prevents aging of the skin and improves skin elasticity
* Reduces dark pigmentation and skin blemishes
* Brightens dull skin, leaving the skin fair and crystal clear

XM-006【葡萄籽面膜】 Grape Seed ExtracSOLD OUT

* Contains Anti-Oxidants which is 18 times higher than Vitamin C & 50 times higher than Vitamin E
* Hydrates the skin together with collagen to promote skin regeneration
* Improves Skin Elasticity
* Delays wrinkle formation
* Prevents the Skin from Sagging

XM-007【草本抗痘面膜】 Osmosoft

能軟化角質、抑制痘痘滋生 添加绿茶成分,高浓度的尿囊素能有效的抑制痘痘产生。控制皮脂活性、调节油脂分泌、改善油膩不洁肌肤、 收剑粗大毛孔、预防及改善面胞肌肤。
* Controls oil and sebum secretion effectively
* Tightens and Minimizes Pores
* Tea Polyphenol relaxes & Repairs Damaged Skin
* Restores dull skin to its original radiance
* Removes Dirt from pores and Softens Skin
* Protects your skin from Bacteria & Breakouts
* Reduces Appearance of Pimples
* Improves Oily Skin Condition

XM-008【熊果素亮白無暇面膜】Arbutin Extract

* Prevents formation of melanin - a black pigmentation that forms freckles and brown spots on your face
* Smoothens uneven skin tone
* Improves skin metabolism which Repairs the Skin Cells and Elasticity
* Reduces dullness in your skin to give you a bright and radiant complexion

XM-009【牛奶亮白保濕面膜】Milk Extract SOLD OUT

* Milk rich in protein and contains Vitamin A, B and E which greatly improves skin elasticity
* Whitens the skin effectively with its gentle whitening properties
* Restores dull skin to its original radiance
* Minimizes pores
* Highly moisturizing and hydrating
* Whitening and improves skin tones
XM-010【蘆薈維他命E面膜】Aloe Extract

* Highly Moisturizing & Carries Anti-Oxidant
* Lighten Skin Pigmentation & Marks
* Protects skin against radical & Promotes skin metabolism
* Removes dirt in pores to give you a Flawless and Glowing Skin Texture
* Prevents aging and gentle on sensitive skin
XM-011【綠茶薏仁面膜】Green Tea Extract

綠茶可抗氧化, 綠茶含有大量的兒茶素,是目前當紅的抗氧化成份內含兒茶素成分,恢復肌膚光澤晶亮,可修復肌膚,回復亮麗光采薏仁對脫屑性皮膚、皮膚粗糙很有幫助,將兩者合在一起更可使肌膚達到保濕的效果使肌膚呈現極佳的光滑及亮麗光采。
* Minimizes & Whitens Pores
* Removes and reduces pigmentation
* Reduces the infiltration of harmful radicals into the skin
* Barley extracts aids in improving coarse and uneven skin
* Use it frequently to get a bright and radiant complexion

XM-012【蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜】Hydrolyzed silk protein

* Silk protein is rich in amino acid which helps to protect the skin against UV rays
* Accelerates cell repair and healing of scars
* Promotes collagen production
* Increases the amount of hyaluronic acid in our skin that keeps our skin moisturized all day
* Promotes skin elasticity
* Prevents the appearance of oily and greasy skin, giving you flawless and smooth complexion
XM-013【珍珠粉蛋白面膜】Pearl Extract

* Improves skin elasticity
* Hydrates skin and keeps moisture content locked
* Smoothens out uneven skin tone
* Suitable for dry skin
XM-014【竹炭面膜】Bamboo Charcoal  SOLD OUT

* Add the high concentration of Q10, collagen, hyaluronic acid and moisture activating factor
* Moisture and repair effect for all type of skin condition
* Tightly locked up in moisture
* Contains more activated carbon to remove components of pores dirt on the face dirt

EM-001【水晶玻尿酸保濕眼膜 】Crystal Hydrating Eye Mask

利用天然海藻 多糖,甲殼素、並添加高效保濕因子玻尿酸、與彈力膠原蛋白等高機能 複方精華液研發出【水晶玻尿酸保濕眼膜】具有逆轉單向滲透吸收功能。
補充肌膚需要的滋潤,快速的浸透角質層,恢復油水平衡狀態,減少眼部細紋,改善眼部暗 沉肌膚,使眼周肌膚水嫩柔滑,白皙緊緻、彈力緊緻。
Increase elasticity, replenishes moisture, quickly absorbed into skin to restore Skin DHA balance.
Fights against wrinkles as well as brightens up the skin around the eye region.

EM-002【水晶Q10彈力眼膜 】Crystal Q10 Elastin Eye Mask

利用天然深海海藻玻尿酸,添加保濕、緊緻等天然復方精華液。強韌彈性水晶眼膜富含營養液與玻尿酸。經應用科技及高分子技術,製造出具有逆轉單向吸收的功能,幫助肌膚吸收更多成分!水晶眼膜升級版,添加更多Q10 膠原成份,更加使肌膚柔滑水嫩、白皙緊緻。
Increase the vitality of the cells, repairs and renews collagen metabolism, fights against wrinkles and brightens up the skin. Increase the moisture of the skin, tightens skin and increase the elasicity around the eye region.
EM-004【水晶15勝肽眼膜 】Crystal Wrinkle Treatment Eye Mask


Ajireline Peptide helps in absorbtion of the essence, aids in aggrevating the growth of Collagen which helps in fading wrinkles, allowing the area around the eyes region to be tight and supple. Increase elasticity, prevents dryness, anti-dark circles and anti wrinkles.
EM-004【水晶左旋C亮白眼膜 】Crystal Whitening Brightening Eye Mask

利 用天然海藻多糖,甲殼素、並添加絕佳抗氧化力-左旋C與高效保濕因子等高機能複方精華液研發出【水晶左旋C靓白眼膜】具有逆轉單向滲透吸收功能。可淡化色 素斑點,改善眼部周圍暗沉肌膚,絕佳的抗氧化能力.,使肌膚緊緻,能減少眼部細紋,能改善暗沉膚色,使眼周肌膚嬌細柔嫩、白皙亮麗、緊膚除皺。
It helps in dulling and preventing the growth of pigmentation around the eye region, great in antioxidant, enhancing the elasticity and suppleness of the skin.
Reduces wrinkles as well as brightening up the skin.