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Jaz & Xiin Beuty

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Skin79 BB Cream

Hot seller BB cream in Korea & Taiwan

General BB Cream characteristics:

Natural glow on your face without makeup look
Provides perfect coverage just like a foundation but without clogging pores or damaging the skin
Conceals all types of pigmentation, discoloration, acne and marks
Healing properties which soften, smoothen and refine skin
Encourages skin regeneration to create and maintain youthful skin
UV Protection for healthy skin
Some BB creams have additional features such as wrinkle improvement, whitening functions etc.

SK-C-001 Super BB Cream triple functions (Hot Pink) - 40g RM70/Bottle
SK-C-010 Super BB Cream triple functions (Hot Pink) - 15g RM55/Bottle

SK-C-011 Super BB Cream triple functions (Hot Pink) -5g RM18/Key chain
Functions: Whitening / Wrinkle Improvement / Ultraviolet rays interception SPF25 PA ++
Hot Pink BB Cream contains Phyto complex ingredient which is good for skin moisturizing and soothing makes your skin always moist and healthy.
Suitable for oily/combination skin

SK-C-002 Super BB Cream Gold label (VIP Gold) - 40g RM70/Bottle
SK-C-020 Super BB Cream Gold label (VIP Gold) - 15g RM55/Bottle
SK-C-021 Super BB Cream Gold label (VIP Gold) -5g RM18/Key chain 

Functions: Whitening / Wrinkle Improvement / Ultraviolet rays interception SPF25 PA ++
VIP Gold collection BB Cream contains Gold and Caviar extract that care the skin intensively to make shiny, healthy skin. 
Suitable for dry skin or those who want wrinkle improvement.

SK-C-003 Diamond The Prestige BB cream - 40g RM86/Bottle
SK-C-030 Diamond The Prestige BB cream - 15g RM62/Bottle

SK-C-031 Diamond The Prestige BB cream - 5g RM18/Key Chain

The Prestige is a triple function bb cream: whitening, wrinkle care and UV protection (SPF25 PA++).
It uses a diamond complex to brighten complexion, a peptide MX-II complex to moisturize as well as co-enzyme Q10 to protect your skin.
Suitable for combination skin
Recommended for a perfect 3D makeup

SK-C-004 Diamond Absolute Total BB Cream - 40g RM90/Bottle
SK-C-040 Diamond Absolute Total BB Cream - 15g RM65/Bottle

Absolute Total BB Cream 37 PA+++ intensively protects exposed skin from strong ultraviolet rays by intercepting ultraviolet rays UVA and UVB and keeping skin beautiful and healthy through the brilliance of diamond and vitality of just blossomed floral. 
The Diamond Powder protects sensitive skin from the harmful external environment and radicals.
Phyto Complex moisturizes and soothes skin so it stays hydrated and giving your face a radiant glow, while smoothening wrinkles.
Suitable for oily to combination skin and pimple problems

SK-C-005 Skin79 Miniature set RM58/set

1. Super Plus Triple Functions BB Cream (Hot Pink) 5g
2. VIP Super Super Plus Beblesh Balm Gold label 5g
3. Diamond The Prestige BB Cream 5g
4. Diamond Luminous BB Cream 5g

Monday, October 18, 2010

Great Offer at year end 2010

Great offer, grab it now!

Choose any 4 pcs below at ONLY RM10:

My Beauty Diary mask 我的美丽日记面膜
My Scheming Beauty mask 我的心机面膜

Jialili Mei Li Bi Ji mask 加利利美丽笔记
My Scheming Eye mask 我的

Get 10 SHISEIDO peel off mask at RM10 ONLY!!

Contact us at now!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

我的美丽日记面膜 My Beauty Diary Mask


 黑珍珠面膜 Black Pearl Mask 
 冰沁活氧面膜 Cooling Mask 
 芦荟面膜 Aloe Mask 
 纳豆面膜Natto Mask 
 Q10面膜 Q10 Rejuvenating Mask 
 保加利亚白玫瑰面膜 Bulgarian White Rose Mask 
 优酪乳面膜 Yogurt Mask 
 清酒酒粕面膜 Sake Yeast Mask
 紅酒多酚面膜 Red Wine Mask 
 珍珠粉面膜 Pearl Powder Mask
 蘋果多酚面膜 Apple Polyphenol Mask 
 黑樱桃巧克力面膜 Chocolate Mask 
 草莓優格面膜 Strawberry Yogurt Mask 
 複合莓果面膜 Mixed Berries Mask 
 日本吉野櫻花面膜 Japanese Cherry Blossom Mask
 燕窝面膜 Bird Nest Mask 
 杏桃面膜 Southern France Apricot Mask 
 山茶花极润保湿面膜 Camellia Mask 
 极致美白松露面膜 White Truffle Whitening Mask 
 白金保湿面膜 Platinum Nanocolloid Mask 
 牡丹花保湿面膜 White Peony Tea Mask  


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

CNY Special Buy 10 Free 1

CNY is around the corner, welcome to select any 10 pcs of the mask group below to get 1 Free.

  • Buy 10 My Scheming Mask OR Wo de Mei li Bi ji Free 1 (can be mixture), @ONLY RM28
  • Buy 10 My Scheming Eye mask Free 1, @ONLY RM35 
  • Buy 10 Shiseido Black/White/Gold Free 1, @ONLY RM15
Enjoy your CNY holidays and wish all of you having a good and prosperous year ahead

Gong Xi Fatt Chai

Sunday, January 10, 2010

牛尔推荐:Shiseido 资生堂美白修护面膜软膜膏, 矿物泥去黑头粉刺面膜 , 黑海泥面膜

Shiseido 资生堂黑海泥面膜 

Shiseido Naturgo Orange Mask Rm1.60/packets


 -Originate from deep sea mud, include rich minerals & natural essence. Able to clean pores thoroughly, balancing oil secretion, suppress and lighten pigmentation, achieving whitening effects. Long term usage promotes skin revitalization.

-It has the benefits of deep pore cleansing, removing dirt and impurities, minimizing breakouts, whitening and lightening pigmentation.

-The mask contains a compound LAG Revitalizer which has whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects.The LAG Revitalizer can penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, allowing the skin to maintain moisture and nutrients. It fights against dark spots, sun spots, black heads & whiteheads, and pimples, reducing pore size, reducing wrinkles, enhancing skin collagen regeneration, renewing elasticity, resulting in soft and smooth skin.

* Suitable for sensitive skin.
* Minimizes Pores
* Removes dead skin and leaves skin extremely smooth and fresh!
* Controls oil and sebum secretion. Suitable for oily - combination skin!


Shiseido 资生堂美白修护面膜软膜膏 

Shiseido Peel-off White Mask RM1.60/packets

蕴含一种有效对抗皮肤老化及色素沉著的独特成分-LAGRevitalizer,能迅速渗透肌皮基层,有效帮助肌肤保持水分及养分, 具有改善黑斑、雀斑、粉刺、粗毛孔,减少面部细纹,促进皮肤本身骨胶原再生,令弹性回复,肌肤娇嫩动人。

- Whitening, revitalizing and anti-aging effects
- Reduce wrinkle, renew elasticity and fight against aging and dulling
- Maintain moisture and nutrients
- Reduce dark spots, sun spots, black heads, and pimple

Suitable for all skin type
Can use up to 3 times


Shiseido Peel-off Black Mask Rm1.60/packets


- Deliver active whitening ingredients deep into the dermis while performing thorough cleansing effects to remove dead skin, clogged pores & sebrum

Direction: After cleansing face, apply the mask. Peel it off after 30 minutes.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

加利利 美麗筆記面膜

台湾网络火红面膜 - 加利利美丽笔记

Dr. Hu 面膜專家最新系列面膜-加利利的美麗筆記平價面膜、優等品質台灣研發製造生產,一貫化、全面性針對各種肌膚,天天敷天天有效為自己見證美麗的改變,記下屬於自己的春春筆記。




來自法國的珍貴白松露與美白明星成分傳明酸、熊果素與維生素C衍生物超強效美白組合,給予頂級奢華的調理與呵護多重極致璀璨美白,100%服貼,立即達到明亮! 強效美白 頂級呵護 !






保濕、嫩白、毛孔調理都能面面俱到,讓肌膚充滿活力與彈性,抵擋歲月痕跡! 定期使用讓成分持續在肌膚上能形成保護膜,散發緊緻光滑魅力水嫩無負擔 毛孔輕鬆縮。


透亮白皙 水嫩柔膚
水嫩柔膚 天然植物保濕因子-蘆薈、小黃瓜精華加上海藻、植物膠原蛋白能安撫舒緩肌膚, 瞬間補充肌膚水分,提升肌膚補水能力並使肌膚甦醒,強化保濕能力使肌膚,再現光澤與亮麗,保持肌膚的年輕水嫩,擁有真正的美肌。珍貴保加利亞玫瑰花水,芬芳怡人的香味清新舒緩,能夠立即釋放壓力,得來不易的花水純露,能夠提供肌膚優異的保濕調理,給肌膚頂級呵護與寵愛。

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